There is no roadmap to get through this foreign territory called divorce.
No one tells us what the terrain will be like up ahead.
And very few Christians want to be a tour guide.

Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt. He was their guide, their encourager, and intercessor. I believe when God removes a woman from an abusive marriage, He’s taking her out of the oppression (like in Egypt) through the desert wilderness, into the promised land, much like the Israelites. It’s not always an easy journey and sometimes we complain. But thankfully God is always there, to provide, protect, and give us strength.

Friend, I have been there! And I would love to walk with you on this journey… to healing and restoration!
Does this sound like you?
- Do you wonder if you’ve made the right choices or if you should turn back?
- Are you hurting and not sure how to make it stop?
- Wondering if you are to blame for the abuse or the infidelity?
- Have you given up hope for healing or progress in your life?
- Not sure how you’ll survive?
Maybe you feel like this reader…
I’m not divorced, but trying to determine my next steps after discovering that my marriage of 17 years has been abusive. I found your videos on YouTube and I’m not sure what my next steps should be. Can I really heal after all that I’ve been through? Does God even care about me or my future?
If so, you’re not alone. All of us have felt this way.

Who is this ministry for?
The main purpose of this ministry is to empower and encourage Christian women* to reclaim their hope (faith in God’s promises), find healing, and learn to live in peace (with boundaries) after divorce. Healing is multidimensional, gives us all the feelings, and brings up wounds from our past.
As we dig into our healing, and find we’ve made lots of wrong turns along the way, and want to get back on track, it’s best to ask those who have walked this path before us. God allows U-turns and invites us back into His care. He wants to give you hope and a purpose!
*SIDE NOTE: Why not men too? (Click to see FAQs.)
What’s the path through your divorce healing? Check out these blog posts to guide you…
- Should You Divorce (What’s the best option)?
- What to Do When You’re Headed Toward Divorce
- Be Prepared for Divorce
- Figure Out How You’re Going to Financially Survive
- Educate Yourself About Hidden (or Narcissistic/Psychological) Abuse
- Deal with Second Thoughts or Feelings of Guilt
- Understand the 7 Phases of Divorce Recovery
- Wait to Date After Divorce
- Learn to Be Emotionally Stronger
- Move On to a Thriving Life!
What if I have children?
- When You’re Missing Your Children After Divorce
- Child Estrangement After Divorce (Mothers Being Erased)
- Dear Divorced Christian Mom
- Helping Your Children Through Divorce
What if I don’t have children?
Even those without children – never had or empty nesters – are welcome here too!! I can relate! I now have three adult children and I’m currently in the chapter after parenthood. I do talk about being a single mother and raising children occasionally, but this website is mainly about healing the Christian woman after divorce… not always including being a mother.