This is a safe place.
That divorce – and the abusive marriage before that – left you feeling raw.
Lacking support.
Feeling hopeless.
Wondering if this emotional roller coaster will ever end?
Curious to know how… and when… you will heal.
Wanting to find peace.
Well, my new friend, I am here to offer you my support.
What I believe…
I believe a Christian woman can leave an abusive marriage, without guilt.
I believe that a woman can confidently move on with her life after.
I believe with the proper healing a woman can go from surviving to thriving after divorce.
I believe with an abundance of support, you will never feel alone.
I believe that any woman can rebuild a new life free from oppression… while reclaiming her hope, finding healing, and living in peace after divorce.
I believe that the shame of divorce doesn’t belong on the backs of the innocent victims in a divorce.
I know… through Christ, all can be redeemed.
You can build your support system…
Imagine finding the confidence and strength you never knew you had in you.
Imagine reclaiming the person you used to be, before the abuse and divorce.
Imagine knowing you are not walking alone because others have walked before you.
Imagine finding your authentic self. The person God created you to be.
Imagine having boundaries so you feel peace and respect, again.
Imagine your life reclaimed, restored and redeemed through the healing power of Christ.
When you join Jen’s community of Christian female survivors and thrivers, you will be mentored to build the confidence in yourself to cultivate healthy choices to reclaim your hope, find healing, and learn to live in peace, after divorce.
What this community is saying…
The moment I started reading Jen’s blog, I was drawn to her site. Her writing is real and raw and encouraging, and I remember commenting to her that I felt like I could have written that post. She has encouraged and supported me as I was going through my divorce. She shared her story and I knew I wasn’t alone in this. I’m so thankful for her. She gives me the courage to speak the truth and share my story, too. – J. H.
Jen, thank you so much for posting this! It’s like you were speaking to my exact situation! Wow, how encouraging. We certainly do overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the power of our testimony. Thanks so much for sharing. – S. K.

My story…
In early 2013, I was served with divorce papers. At the time I saw it as an ending. I had lost myself in the process of trying to save an abusive marriage. I felt like I had wasted my whole life trying to defend and worship everyone else – a husband and even family members. But after my own Christian mentor explained to me… this was not the end but new beginning, a new chapter to learn to walk with your Father. Out of oppression into a better place… with hope and a future.
It was then that I started looking for healing. I wanted to find peace and redemption from everything that I had been through. I wanted God to give the devastation, purpose. And I wanted to be emotionally healthy going into the future.
I read, and highlighted, every book I could get my hands on. I drew from my college courses in psychology, as I learned. I sought help from those who had traveled this road before me. In my journey to healing, I implemented tough boundaries and stopped people-pleasing. In the process, I reclaimed my hope, emotional healing, and found the peace that was lost. I went from merely surviving to a thriving life.
You can too!

I started this ministry, Surviving + Thriving Ministries, to walk with other women, just like myself, who feel so very alone during and after divorce. This is a place to journey to restoration and healing. A place to find hope and connection. A community of other Christian women facing an unwanted divorce, together. We support each other as we start on this next chapter of life… after divorce.
I know God can heal, redeem, and restore your life… just like He did mine. I am here to help!
Has the Lord redeemed you? Then speak out! Tell others He has redeemed you from your enemies. – Psalm 107:2 NLT
What are other thrivers saying?
Thank you for the work you’re doing with educating Christian women. I wish I would have run into you 4 years ago, or even 15 (come to think of it)! The knowledge you have and the words God has blessed you with are so timely, so inspirational, so educational. – K.P.
You REALLY get this! I feel like I’m reading notes from a friend who really understands what I’m going through. We are so on the same page! – C.W.
So much of your writing reflects my own personal feelings. – R.R.
[Y]our blog has been such a blessing in my life. I found it at exactly the right time, and it is comforting knowing I am not the only person experiencing all of these horrible emotions; the greatest comfort is knowing that it won’t always feel this intense. – V.S.
I know how much you care for the women who connect with your ministry. – J.G.