I will be the first to admit that I have my days when I struggle to know what my future looks like. (Today has been one of those days, so I decided to journal.) Especially with the state of our country… the road ahead seems unclear…
As a divorced (and I know some of you are “divorcing”) woman, there are a lot of uncertainties to think about on a daily basis – in court, in parenting, and when it comes to how you will survive, financially and physically. I totally understand those feelings myself.
Years ago, I saw my life crumble before my eyes. People leaving, bills going unpaid, children disrespecting me (as a human being – but also as a loving mom), and lies being told and believed about me. Solid foundations that I thought I had… were gone. Relationships that I thought were secure… were over. Trust was broken and truth was revealed. Life was never going to be the same.
That scary uncertainty is cold and dark. It keeps a woman awake at night. And it’s so hard not to embrace that fear and let it take control.
The people who know most of the things I have been through, ask me, how are you even surviving, with so much?!
Sister, some days, the load of it all, is rough.
But on those days, I have to remind myself…
Nothing happens outside the will of God. Nothing! (The devil asked God’s permission to test Job!)
God is still in control, even when everything seems out of control or dark.
There is a plan, even when we do not see it or know what it is… yet.
And even though I have made some mistakes, in the past, I’m now walking with God, and He (through the Holy Spirit) will not let His precious child keep making those same mistakes.
The future is always better with God… even if scary or uncertain at times… than the road traveled without Him!
The painful in-between.
We are living in the in-between.
The place of feeling uncomfortable because we don’t know where we will be in 6 months or a year. Or even if the world will be here. That time before God’s plan is all worked out.
Before we are enlightened to His perfect plan.
Even then, we have to trust that there still is a plan. And there is nothing that we need to be doing, but trusting Him in this in-between time.
Through these dark times, we always have to hold on to hope. Hope that God will work everything out, especially for the widows and orphans of this world.
I believe it’s in these uncertain times that God wants us to say, “I trust in You! More now than ever, I will keep trusting in You.“
Our faith should not waver even in the hard circumstances of life.
There are no promises that everything will be perfect… or even okay. No promises of our own plans. But there are promises… that… we can be sure of. And we know… God will be there.
Don’t know how the mortgage/rent will be paid next month… God is already there. He knows you need a place to rest. He offers that to you regardless of where you live.
Don’t know how this court battle will play out (how your kids will be protected)… God is already there. He is walking with you and will be there at the end… no matter what happens!
Keep your eyes on Jesus.
We can easily be distracted when we keep our eyes on that unknown. That in-between. And all of our uncertainties.
Be still (God is Still God) and rest at His feet.
In these uncertain times… when our faith is tested… Jesus is where our hope and comfort is found.
When we keep our eyes on Jesus, there is no time to worry.
He knows every need before we have it.
He knows every mistake before we make it.
At night, when I worry about our future, I just remind myself to keep my eyes on Jesus.
In the end… He took care of everything!
All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us. For the more we suffer for Christ, the more God will shower us with His comfort through Christ. Even when we are weighed down with troubles, it is for your comfort and salvation! For when we ourselves are comforted, we will certainly comfort you. Then you can patiently endure the same things we suffer. We are confident that as you share in our sufferings, you will also share in the comfort God gives us. – 2 Corinthians 1:3-7 NLT
Today, I pray… and share so that… you find your comfort in the Lord.
I reminded myself that this feeling I have today… this sort of pain that I am feeling… is the birth pains of my new, better future even if it is totally unknown to me right now. I am growing and learning, as I feel this unwanted uncertainty about the road ahead. Everything that I am thinking and feeling today, is all very temporary.
I say all of this to bring comfort to you… as the Lord has comforted me, today.
Let us all remember… God has got this too!!
Divorce has changed me and I now have a much deeper understanding and acceptance of my need to depend on God for everything. No matter the circumstances, no matter the discomfort, our future is in His hands. Amen!?!
God bless your healing journey,
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Wonderful article & very timely. Thank you❤️
You’re welcome, Jady. 🙂
I know and believe God has a plan. But I am so sad and lonely I can’t focus and my depression blocks my faith with worry and anxiety. Everyone says it gets better. I’m not sure I will survive until that happens.
Keep holding on to God and His promises to you. Also, I wrote about divorce depression, it’s very normal. –> http://jengrice.com/blog/surviving-divorce-depression.html
If you need help getting through this phase of the healing process, don’t be afraid to reach out to helpful resources or medical attention. God bless your healing journey!
I thoroughly enjoyed this post. New subbie here.. I know that God has already worked all of my life out, and I TRUST HIM!! Thank you for this encouraging post. God Bless You!
This is a great post!. I want to go into ministry and I dread going alone,….it was so hard the first time around when I thought my husband would have been there for and with me….but he wasn’t. I keep praying and trusting God for a husband who loves God, loves me and has a heart for ministry.
It was interesting that you said Boaz didn’t show up while Ruth was married. My divorce is not final yet but I am confident that as soon as this happens my redemptive husband will show up. There is work to do in the Kingdom and since the ministry on my heart is a lot geared towards youth a young men I trusting God to provide him so that I won’t be a line female ministering to males!
I crave your prayers.
Thanks so much for the hope that you are inspiring in us the divorced and divorcing.
God bless!
Thank you! Much grace to you as you journey to healing after divorce.