The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still. – Exodus 14:14 NIV
Be still, and know that I am God! – Psalm 46:10a NLT
These are some of my favorite verses over the last few years. For the most part, I remember these two verses well… as I do have them memorized. I also keep Psalm 46:10 on my bedroom wall, next to my bed, just to remind me when I forget…. which I do sometimes.
You see, I like to control my own life. More now than ever, I want to protect myself from future hurt. I feel I’ve been hurt enough in this life and I do not want to experience any more of it. But that’s the thing, we cannot control it. Not really. Hurt is a part of life just like any other feeling.

I’m an emotional person. I feel all of those emotions quite often. Even when someone is very gentle with me and is not intentionally trying to hurt me, I can feel hurt. I can feel unwanted, unloved, and uncared about. When someone is toxic and not an authentic relationship for me, I still wonder if it was me, for just a moment. Sometimes longer.
Also, when I see God working things out, or when God starts to write a piece of His plan on my heart, I like to take that plan from Him.
I yell, “Thanks, God! I’ll take it from here!” and off I go…
I have started Facebook pages, planned events, decided what I was going to do next before even asking God what was His full plan. Then I jumped into that plan head first. Often thinking, God has started it but I can handle the details all on my own. God doesn’t mind. This is His plan, but He must mean that I have to take care of the rest. I know how this is going to go… while I happily start strolling.
But then when I start down that path, I start to realize I’m feeling alone. Maybe just a little at first but the feeling starts getting stronger as I go. I am not sure I’m feeling God anymore. I am even forgetting to do my morning devotional, missing my prayer times (or feeling distracted), and my mind is easily only on this plan… His plan!?! And what I need to do to get there. I start to realize I’m actually feeling uneasy and my emotions are all out of control. I notice that I left my peace back when this whole “plan” started. I wonder “What is going on?“… this was God’s plan, right? Where did I take a wrong turn?
And at that moment He quietly whispers, “Whoa, my precious daughter, I did not say, ‘Go!‘ I said ‘slow’ and ‘breathe.'”
That’s when I realize I’ve turned my plan into His plan. There was my wrong turn. I was praying that He would work things out in my way. I start to understand that even if He had laid some plans on my heart and even if He gives me a prophecy about the path, that doesn’t mean He said, start walking. And it doesn’t even mean that I will actually be going down that path at all. Maybe not now or maybe not ever. He could just be testing me, to see if I am a willing participant in His future plans. It also could be that there is a lesson that I need to learn about myself, or about Him.
That’s when I remember my two favorite verses. Yep, a little late sometimes… but never TOO late for a turn-around. I used to think once I committed to a plan, or even a mistake, that I needed to continue with that same plan or mistake. No matter what it is, God always offers a turn-a-round when He knows we are on the wrong path. Even a marriage. Even a career move.
In those “Be Still” moments is when I remember that I am Fully His.
It is in those chaotic moments when I need to put my faith back into my Father, my Creator, and my Protector God. That’s when I remember to Be Still. I need to be still and invite Him back into the plan. His plan. And then remember, I do not need to fight for myself. I do not need to protect myself – from future hurt. I do not need to plan the next course of action. I do not need to decide how things are going to go. To arrange the details. I don’t have to worry.
That’s when the chaos turns to calm again. I can just breathe… while I am still.
If you have placed my faith in God, He’s got it all in His hands. He will orchestrate it to His perfection… in His perfect timing. Just right for you.
God is still God.
He loves you… better than anyone else could.
He cares for you… and all the tiny details of your life.
He has you protected… and will continue to do so.
He will provide… for every need… and many wants too.
And He even cares for the desires of your heart.
Have faith that God has everything planned out. He is way ahead of you (and me)… paving the way… and in His perfect timing, we all will see the plans He has had for us all along.
Until then, just Be Still… and breathe.

Have you learned any important lessons during your divorce?
May God bless your healing journey,

Amen! I needed this today.
You’re welcome. I am praying for you.
Hi Jen! Good word! I remember those times that I would worry about what was going to happen to me and my children. Then I would lean in and go over my list of favorite scriptures and let them wash over me and soak in. I’m so thankful for God’s Word and His promises!
Continuing to pray for you and your ministry!
Thank you very much, Pam!