All we hear about is, “God hates divorce!“
While some versions of the Bible say that is true, do we really know what God thinks about divorce?
What was the context in which “God hates divorce” was said?
Do we understand why God said such a blanket statement?
- I believe God loves people more than He loves the institution of marriage.
- I believe that God removes some women from destructive marriages so they can flourish.
- I believe that God’s healing is available for all who seek it and have faith.
- I believe God is still in the restoration business, and He plans to restore divorced women.
- I believe all things, even divorce, can be redeemed and used for a purpose.

I went through my own divorce feeling very alone. There were very few books and no Christian divorce bloggers or mentors… until now!
I want women to know that they no longer have to be afraid, that they’re not alone, and with Jesus, they can survive their divorce. One of the reasons I’ve written this book is because I wanted other Christian women, like myself, to know the healing power of God, to understand their worth, and to see themselves through the eyes of God.
In this book, I share with you much hope, healing, and encouragement for your journey…. before, during, and after divorce, especially with children (of any age). I share my story of how I survived divorce… and how you can too!
Let’s walk this road together!
Read the Introduction
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Table of Contents:
Chapter 1 – Accept God’s Healing
Chapter 2 – Find Your Worth
Chapter 3 – You Deserve Self-Care
Chapter 4 – Survival Strategies
Chapter 5 – Help the Children
Chapter 6 – Accepting the Path Before You
Chapter 7 – Moving On
Final Thoughts
Available in both Kindle and paperback on Amazon.com.
(*All Amazon links on this website are affiliate links. Learn more.)

Book Description:
You can survive divorce and even thrive!
Do you feel like you are emotionally bleeding but no hospital can make it stop? Like you are a dead woman walking? Like you’ll never be able to climb your way out of this heavy, suffocating place?
Know this: With Jesus, you’ll make it out, and you’ll be okay.
Jen Grice had to stop fighting for a marriage that had been dead for years and then had to work through the trauma of divorce proceedings and life thereafter. It wasn’t easy, just as your own struggle isn’t. But now Jen is healing and whole, as you can be.
In this book, Jen holds your hand as you walk through the pain.
- See a way out of the darkness of divorce–into the light.
- Discover a hope-filled, fully redeemed future ahead.
- Find hope in a devastating time.
There is no roadmap through this foreign territory we call divorce, but here are those who have gone before us to light the way. As Jen shares her personal healing story, she points out God’s promises and His healing and protection that will help you not only survive this difficult time but eventually thrive.
What Readers Are Saying:
I just finished your book, and it was wonderful!! I will be referring back to it many times. I feel so much more hopeful after reading it. I really like your writings. Your words express my feelings and then you tie scriptures with it all, and it’s just so faith-building and empowering, which we need so much! Especially after an abusive marriage, it is so important to feel validated, empowered and confident in the Lord. – Christine
Oh my goodness! “He has been known to take people back from a relationship that was harmful to his precious daughter.” This is EXACTLY what I believe I am going through/have gone through lately. – Michelle
It’s so hard to find good and encouraging books when it comes to going through divorce as a Christian woman. So many books tell you to stay no matter how unsafe the marriage. Jen has a heart for women in abuse marriage like none other. But this book is perfect for anyone going through a divorce. She doesn’t sugar coat anything but she also does not twist scripture either. This book is the perfect balance of truth, encouragement, practical tips and God’s truth. – LaToya (Source)
Chapter 4…Very relevant to much of my more recent experiences. – Vicky
Both in this book and on her blog, jengrice.com, Grice uses Scriptural principles to guide hurting women to re-claim their identity in Christ, no matter how long they have been in the desert. [Continued….] This book is a valuable resource not only for these women, but also for counselors and families of divorced women in order to learn better how to love them as Christ does. It is a privilege to review and recommend it. – Marie (Source)
About the Author:

Jen Grice is a full-time freelance writer, blogger, video creator, life coach (who specializes in teaching boundaries), and an entrepreneur, as well as a homeschool mom of one teenager. While building her online businesses, Jen completed her Bachelor of Science in Organizational Management with concentrations in psychology, sociology, and Bible studies. Jen’s blog started in 2011, has become her ministry since her divorce, which has been anointed by God to serve divorcing or divorced women in their healing journey. When she’s not writing, she’s educating herself and others about abuse and divorce recovery, watching real-life crime TV shows, or eating chocolate—preferably with salted caramel inside. Jen believes that all Christian women can reclaim hope, find healing, live in peace, and live fully redeemed in Christ after divorce. She plans to write more books to help Christian women to embrace their lives, reclaim their power, and assert themselves in a way they can feel good about. What others had planned to use to hurt Jen, she plans to repurpose to save many lives. Genesis 50:20 and Psalms 107:2 are her favorite Bible verses.
Publishing Team:
- Book Editing: Sally at Inksnatcher.com
- Book Graphic Design: Jonathan at JonlinCreative.com