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This should help you find your answer and save us both some time because I do NOT answer every email. Thanks!
I really do appreciate your kind words and you sharing your story!! BUT INSTEAD OF emailing me, it’s best to join the discussion in the comments on that article you read, on the social media post, or on any of my other blog posts. Your real name is not required and someone else might benefit from hearing your story or that question you have, as well. I love to hear stories but please understand we're overloaded with daily emails for all these reasons mentioned below and more. We cannot respond to everyone and continue to work in this ministry. Thanks for your understanding!
Currently, I'm not taking new clients or meeting with anyone just to talk. If you are being abused in any way (emotionally, physically, sexually, or financially) please reach out to your local domestic violence shelter or the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 800-799-7233 for help. All abuse is violence and they are specifically trained to help you escape.
Check you other email folders – including Promotion, Spam and Junk folders. If it's been more than 15 minutes and you still can’t find it, scroll to the bottom and fill out the form. Someone will get back to you as soon as possible. We always respond to customers and clients FIRST! Do not repurchase these items, we'll make sure you get what you've paid for!
Always check your “Spam,” “Junk” and “Promotions” folders as emails like mine end up there. Also, read this for how to whitelist an email address or a domain ( on many email service providers. This helps to make sure you get these emails that you want.
Sadly, I cannot manually add anyone to my list, per privacy laws. You have to go through the steps in order to sign up. These steps help us to know you want to receive emails and it keeps spammers/bots from signing up to this list too.
If you’re still having trouble after a few tries, try a different email address (a personal email is preferred) after you’ve whitelisted my domain (see above). Often it’s a firewall created by the company you work for to keep you from engaging in something other than work emails.
I write for, create videos for, and coach women who are “divorcing” or divorced after abuse (including married to a narcissist), addiction, abandonment, and/or adultery (which is also abuse). These are the main topics that I speak about and share my wisdom in. This may mean the husband filed for divorce, leaving her picking up the pieces, or the wife filed to escape their dysfunction and destructive marriage! Either way, I consider that an “unwanted divorce.”
If you divorced your husband just because he wasn’t good enough, or you were the cheater, (meaning YOU wanted out) you might not fit into this community. But you are welcomed here!! Divorce is still divorce, no matter how it happened. You have to learn how to survive and thrive. And in order to get emotionally healthy after, you have to grieve the loss and learn from the past… to have a better future. We’re all learning and growing together. I don’t ask why you’re here… just that you’re not here to cause problems for the rest of us. Thanks!
I wish I had time to answer every email I receive from parents of adulterers; parents, sisters, brothers, and all other extended family members of people married to an adulterer, abuser, or narcissist, who seek my advice about what to do. I just do not have the time to help every person who emails me. That's just not my area of expertise, so I'd suggest you find someone else better equipped to help you. Thank you for understanding!
The men in my life who know me personally, understand what I’m doing for women – I privately coach women. I am a woman (obviously) who has experienced divorce from a women’s perspective. That’s mainly what I share, my experience, my life, my advice, and my story. You are welcome to read anything that has already been written on this website, but you might not 100% relate because you’re not a woman.
If I were writing for and coaching “working moms” or “stay-at-home/homeschool moms” (which I did for many years) would you expect me to include dads too? Probably not! I never heard I was sexist or uncaring when I was writing just for homeschool “moms” – even homeschool dads just asked for help to start their own blog. Also, I would never ask a man to stop writing for just men on his website (see many below)!! So why ask me?
Furthermore, men, if you sign up for my newsletter emails, you will probably be removed and deleted. If you want to be mad and blame someone, blame the men who email me weekly, hostile emails calling me names (when I’ve said or done nothing to them) or the men, out looking for single women on the internet. Those disrespectful men are making it worse for the few kind men out there looking for healing. Hard to know who doesn’t have wrong motives anymore and I don’t have time to try to figure it out. Instead, I have boundaries! Thanks for your understanding!
Sure, there are many! Just do a search. And here are some that I know of…
Divorce Force (started by 2 men)
Divorced Guy Grinning
Men’s Divorce
Dad’s Divorce
Divorce Magazine
The Divorce Men’s Network
Divorce Care (started by a man)
Single Matters (started by a woman but for both sexes)
Daddy Got Custody
Kennedy Bell (Author of the Book, House of Straw)
There are tabs on the product pages. There is a FAQs tab there as well that will probably answer most of your questions about the printables. The tabs are right under the pictures – gray-colored – next to the “Description” tab.
If you’re contacting me to advertise for you, please read the about page, to learn more about this ministry. Do you know who this ministry is for and what resources they’re looking for (it's no longer a homeschool website for all parents)? Also, check out the disclosure page, for more information about what kind of advertising this ministry accepts and why.
I will always look at compensated freelance writing opportunities, advertising proposals, affiliate marketing opportunities, and ministry or video collaborations to see if they would be a good fit for this ministry and its target market. If they are, I’d love to work with you!
After you’ve learned more about me and this ministry, fill out the form below with your information – be very specific – sharing how we can help each other or collaborate on a project. Please include a media kit and/or links to your online business (website and social media accounts), if applicable.
If you’re doing an online summit or other “workshop” that you’re requesting my presence and wisdom… here are my TWO guidelines.
- I only collaborate with people who’ve connected with me on social media at least a couple of times. That means they’ve followed me, commented – a conversation not just “great pic/article” (without reading) – and shared my work on their growing platforms. This helps make sure the people I’m working with know me, what I write, who exactly I write for and coach. And hopefully, I’ve had time to get to know you and what exactly you do too. We don’t have to agree on everything, but I at least want to know we fully understand and support each other’s work.
- The other person must be working very hard to grow their platform. This is a day after day hustle to grow a website and/or online business. I only work with people who are working as hard as I am, without trying to circumvent that work by using others, and it must show with an active online presence and community.
(I’m very easy to work with once you understand my boundaries. )
No, thank you, we are NOT taking guest posts about things that has nothing to Christian women preparing for, going through, or healing after a divorce.
Contact Form
Short messages only!!
Personal/Guest Post Inquiries: We receive a lot of emails from people WANTING TO share their story or asking to write for Please FIRST see the FAQs ABOVE! Also, many questions can be answered by searching your question plus "jen grice" in any search engine.
Purchasers: We'll get back to you within 24 hours. Make sure you use the same name and email address as you did at checkout.
Please wait 7-10 business days before following up with another email. Occasionally, these emails end up in our spam folder too, so thank you for your patience. We do check there too!
— Information collected in this form is not used for any other purpose than to respond to your email. See our privacy policy. —