How do you get prepared and organized for your divorce and meeting with a lawyer?
I have exactly what you need. . .

The Divorce Survival Toolkit to empower you to survive and conquer those custody hearings with confidence!

"Due to my ex’s issues, we have had to go to court again over child support and placement, so having these kits to help create a binder has been a LIFESAVER! All my documents – organized. Visitation and any issues surrounding that – documented and filed. Any payments received – registered and filed. Thank you, thank you, thank you Jen! I appreciate all that you do."
Does this sound familiar?
{I want to save you from the same trouble!}
When I went through my divorce in 2013, I had no idea the paperwork I’d have to fill out, the information I’d need to collect, or the questions I should be asking to help me achieve the best outcome, during and after divorce.
I was a jumbled mess of emotions and disorganization!
I took my newly served divorce papers to the first lawyer who could get me in... out of desperation I hired her.
Towards the end of the divorce process, I started to realize that I was in the dark about most everything. In my stress and unwillingness to accept what was happening, I had handed our future over to someone I barely knew.
It wasn't until I had to go back to court after the divorce was final that I realized how unprepared I was. That’s when I created my divorce and custody binder.
I credit my this for showing the court that I wasn’t a hot mess, as they probably thought I was during my divorce… but a STRONG WOMAN who was ready, organized, and willing to defend her case.
What makes this toolkit different from just any file folder or binder full of papers?

This is THE TOOLKIT to help you survive your legal battle and more.

And you do not need piles of time to pull everything together!
The Divorce Survival Toolkit is a binder creation tool to help you prepare for divorce!

What's Included in the Divorce Survival Toolkit?
Tools to Prepare You For The Legal Battle

Tools to Prepare You For The Legal Battle
Includes checklist pages sharing what you need to collect and compile before meeting with your lawyer for the first time. Save yourself a meeting and take everything with you! Also, includes needed pages to stay organized all throughout the trial and after.

Collection of Assets + Expenses
Includes pages for collecting household assets, inventory, as well as household expenses – important information that your lawyer will need to prepare your case for divorce. No need to come back with all that paperwork, because you'll have it all ready at your first appointment!

Important Dates + Contacts Accessible
Includes pages to save court dates, with places for what you need to do to prepare or take with to court/meetings, pages for all your important contacts (like your lawyer, therapist, the court, and more) so it's all easily accessible when you need it, pages to document phone conversations, alimony payments, and needed reimbursements as well as a sheet to help you locate your legal documents after the divorce is finalized.
All the Sheets!

This toolkit provides you more than just pretty pages . . .
YOU'RE GETTING all the information you need to share with your lawyer!

Hi, I'm Jen . . .
Divorce Coach and Author of the book, You Can Survive Divorce. I have been right where you are! Now, 7 years after my divorce, I encourage and empower Christian women to not only survive their divorce but thrive AND become STRONGER after! I'm so glad to have you on this journey to peace and healing after divorce.
Warmly, Jen Grice

"I highly recommend anything Jen Grice shares. God has used Jen's words to encourage me on my healing journey more times than I can count. I really appreciate her wisdom and courage. Jen reminds me to trust God with my pain, to protect my heart with healthy boundaries, and to never give up on myself."
-- AMY

"I loved the idea of writing down what is important to me and while I didn't physically write anything down I did find the inclusion of the idea enough to get me thinking about what I want versus need."
Here's Everything You're Getting...

(Binding Not Included)

25 Total Useful Pages!

Frequently Asked Questions
Does this toolkit include legal advice?
Will you be mailing me a physical product, bound workbook, or binder?
Will I be able to take my binder to court with me?
What if I have trouble downloading or finding my toolkit after purchase?
Are these PDFs fillable forms?
How do I print the toolkit worksheets?
Can I print pages more than once?
What type of paper do I need?
Why are these printables not free?
Do you sell this to all countries?
Can I use cash, cheque, money order, or Paypal at checkout?
Do you offer returns or refunds if I can't use these?